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Join and Share the Trust Science Pledge


The central message for the 2021 International Day of Light encourages the public expression of confidence in the scientific process.

Ahead of this year’s International Day of Light celebration on May 16, the International Day of Light Steering Committee announces the launch of the Trust Science pledge, a worldwide campaign to promote support for the scientific process and to acknowledge the many benefits of science for society. 


Crises such as the coronavirus pandemic demonstrate the importance of scientific research and remind us how much we depend on dedicated professionals to find evidence-based solutions to global challenges. To recognize the central role played by science in society, the Trust Science pledge invites the general public to join leading scientists worldwide to affirm confidence in the process of scientific research and discovery. 


To date, the pledge has seen enthusiastic support worldwide with founding signatories including Nobel laureates, UNESCO L’Oréal For Women in Science prize winners, Presidents and CEOs of major scientific bodies, as well as scientists and students from more than 20 different countries. The pledge is now being shared widely to invite all interested individuals to take part.


The Trust Science pledge states: “Trust in evidence-based, scientific facts is essential for providing sustainable solutions to today’s challenges. By adding my name to this declaration and pledge, I recognize the key role that scientific research and discovery plays in improving quality of life for all.” 

The Trust Science campaign is organized by the IEEE Photonics Society, SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, and The Optical Society (OSA), together with the International Day of Light Steering Committee


In the context of the International Day of Light, the campaign will also highlight a number of Champions, research leaders in broad areas of light science and technology, including solar energy, the study of cultural heritage and healthcare.  

You can read the official press release here.

To sign the pledge and to learn more, please go to


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