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Ar-Ion-laser-in operation-LF-p35.jpg

Image: Reprinted from Laser Focus August 1970, courtesy of Endeavor Business Media, LLC.

Early Years of the Laser in Switzerland

To recognize the International Day of Light and the 60th Anniversary of the laser, the Swiss scientific and industry communities have worked together to prepare a detailed report to record the development and milestones in laser science from 1960 to 1980 in Switzerland.


Many scientists have contributed to the report, ensuring that the history of the field has now been preserved for the future generation.  This report also provides an important opportunity to promote the importance of the laser and related light-based technologies to society. 

The report was prepared under the guidance of the Swiss Physical Society, and can be downloaded here.


Recording the path of scientific development is extremely important not only for science but also as part of the general cultural preservation of society.  All International Day of Light partners are encouraged to use the 60th Anniversary of the laser as an opportunity to record their own laser history.  

For more information about this report, please contact author René Salathé or Bernard Braunecker, editor of SPS-Communications.

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